PyTorch-Ignite PyTorch-Ignite

Distributed Training with Ignite on CIFAR10

This tutorial is a brief introduction on how you can do distributed training with Ignite on one or more CPUs, GPUs or TPUs. We will also introduce several helper functions and Ignite concepts (setup common training handlers, save to/ load from checkpoints, etc.) which you can easily incorporate in your code.

We will use distributed training to train a predefined ResNet18 on CIFAR10 using either of the following configurations:

  • Single Node, One or More GPUs
  • Multiple Nodes, Multiple GPUs
  • Single Node, Multiple CPUs
  • TPUs on Google Colab
  • On Jupyter Notebooks

The type of distributed training we will use is called data parallelism in which we:

  1. Copy the model on each GPU
  2. Split the dataset and fit the models on different subsets
  3. Communicate the gradients at each iteration to keep the models in sync

Distributed Deep Learning 101: Introduction

PyTorch provides a torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel API for this task however the implementation that supports different backends + configurations is tedious. In this example, we will see how to can enable data distributed training which is adaptable to various backends in just a few lines of code alongwith:

  • Computing training and validation metrics
  • Setup logging (and connecting with ClearML)
  • Saving the best model weights
  • Setting LR Scheduler
  • Using Automatic Mixed Precision

Required Dependencies

!pip install pytorch-ignite

For parsing arguments

!pip install fire

For TPUs

VERSION = !curl -s | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")'
VERSION = VERSION[0].rstrip('.0') # remove trailing zero
!pip install cloud-tpu-client==0.10{VERSION}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl

With ClearML (Optional)

We can enable logging with ClearML to track experiments as follows:

  • Make sure you have a ClearML account:
  • Create a credential: Profile > Create new credentials > Copy to clipboard
  • Run clearml-init and paste the credentials
!pip install clearml

Specify with_clearml=True in config below and monitor the experiment on the dashboard. Refer to the end of this tutorial to see an example of such an experiment.

Download Data

Let’s download our data first which can later be used by all the processes to instantiate our dataloaders. The following command will download the CIFAR10 dataset to a folder cifar10.

!python -c "from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10; CIFAR10('cifar10', download=True)"

Common Configuration

We maintain a config dictionary which can be extended or changed to store parameters required during training. We can refer back to this code when we will use these parameters later.

config = {
    "seed": 543,
    "data_path": "cifar10",
    "output_path": "output-cifar10/",
    "model": "resnet18",
    "batch_size": 512,
    "momentum": 0.9,
    "weight_decay": 1e-4,
    "num_workers": 2,
    "num_epochs": 5,
    "learning_rate": 0.4,
    "num_warmup_epochs": 1,
    "validate_every": 3,
    "checkpoint_every": 200,
    "backend": None,
    "resume_from": None,
    "log_every_iters": 15,
    "nproc_per_node": None,
    "with_clearml": False,
    "with_amp": False,

Basic Setup


from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import datasets, models
from torchvision.transforms import (

import ignite
import ignite.distributed as idist
from ignite.contrib.engines import common
from ignite.handlers import PiecewiseLinear
from ignite.engine import Events, create_supervised_trainer, create_supervised_evaluator
from ignite.handlers import Checkpoint, global_step_from_engine
from ignite.metrics import Accuracy, Loss
from ignite.utils import manual_seed, setup_logger

Next we will take the help of auto_ methods in idist ( ignite.distributed) to make our dataloaders, model and optimizer automatically adapt to the current configuration backend=None (non-distributed) or for backends like nccl, gloo, and xla-tpu (distributed).

Note that we are free to partially use or not use auto_ methods at all and instead can implement something custom.


Next we are going to instantiate the train and test datasets from data_path, apply transforms to it and return them via get_train_test_datasets().

def get_train_test_datasets(path):
    train_transform = Compose(
            RandomCrop(32, fill=128),
            Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),
    test_transform = Compose(
            Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

    train_ds = datasets.CIFAR10(
        root=path, train=True, download=False, transform=train_transform
    test_ds = datasets.CIFAR10(
        root=path, train=False, download=False, transform=test_transform

    return train_ds, test_ds

Finally, we pass the datasets to auto_dataloader().

def get_dataflow(config):
    train_dataset, test_dataset = get_train_test_datasets(config["data_path"])

    train_loader = idist.auto_dataloader(

    test_loader = idist.auto_dataloader(
        batch_size=2 * config["batch_size"],
    return train_loader, test_loader


We check if the model given in config is present in torchvision.models, change the last layer to output 10 classes (as present in CIFAR10) and pass it to auto_model() which makes it automatically adaptable for non-distributed and distributed configurations.

def get_model(config):
    model_name = config["model"]
    if model_name in models.__dict__:
        fn = models.__dict__[model_name]
        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown model name {model_name}")

    model = idist.auto_model(fn(num_classes=10))

    return model


Then we can setup the optimizer using hyperameters from config and pass it through auto_optim().

def get_optimizer(config, model):
    optimizer = optim.SGD(
    optimizer = idist.auto_optim(optimizer)

    return optimizer


We put the loss function on device.

def get_criterion():
    return nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(idist.device())

LR Scheduler

We will use PiecewiseLinear which is one of the various LR Schedulers Ignite provides.

def get_lr_scheduler(config, optimizer):
    milestones_values = [
        (0, 0.0),
        (config["num_iters_per_epoch"] * config["num_warmup_epochs"], config["learning_rate"]),
        (config["num_iters_per_epoch"] * config["num_epochs"], 0.0),
    lr_scheduler = PiecewiseLinear(
        optimizer, param_name="lr", milestones_values=milestones_values
    return lr_scheduler


Save Models

We can create checkpoints using either a handler (in case of ClearML) or by simply passing the path of the checkpoint file to save_handler: If specified with-clearml=True, we will save the models in ClearML’s File Server using ClearMLSaver().

def get_save_handler(config):
    if config["with_clearml"]:
        from ignite.contrib.handlers.clearml_logger import ClearMLSaver

        return ClearMLSaver(dirname=config["output_path"])

    return config["output_path"]

Resume from Checkpoint

If a checkpoint file path is provided, we can resume training from there by loading the file.

def load_checkpoint(resume_from):
    checkpoint_fp = Path(resume_from)
    assert (
    ), f"Checkpoint '{checkpoint_fp.as_posix()}' is not found"
    checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_fp.as_posix(), map_location="cpu")
    return checkpoint

Create Trainer

Finally, we can create our trainer in four steps:

  1. Create a trainer object using create_supervised_trainer() which internally defines the steps taken to process a single batch:
  2. Move the batch to device used in current distributed configuration.
  3. Put model in train() mode.
  4. Perform forward pass by passing the inputs through the model and calculating loss. If AMP is enabled then this step happens with autocast on which allows this step to run in mixed precision.
  5. Perform backward pass. If Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) is enabled (speeds up computations on large neural networks and reduces memory usage while retaining performance), then the losses will be scaled before calling backward(), step() the optimizer while discarding batches that contain NaNs and update() the scale for the next iteration.
  6. Store the loss as batch loss in state.output.

Internally, the above steps to create the trainer would look like:

def train_step(engine, batch):

      x, y = batch[0], batch[1]
      if x.device != device:
          x =, non_blocking=True)
          y =, non_blocking=True)


      with autocast(enabled=with_amp):
          y_pred = model(x)
          loss = criterion(y_pred, y)

      scaler.scale(loss).backward()  # If with_amp=False, this is equivalent to loss.backward()
      scaler.step(optimizer)  # If with_amp=False, this is equivalent to optimizer.step()
      scaler.update()  # If with_amp=False, this step does nothing

      return {"batch loss": loss.item()}

trainer = Engine(train_step)
  1. Setup some common Ignite training handlers. You can do this individually or use setup_common_training_handlers() that takes the trainer and a subset of the dataset (train_sampler) alongwith:
  • A dictionary mapping on what to save in the checkpoint (to_save) and how often (save_every_iters).
  • The LR Scheduler
  • The output of train_step()
  • Other handlers
  1. If resume_from file path is provided, load the states of objects to_save from the checkpoint file.
def create_trainer(
    model, optimizer, criterion, lr_scheduler, train_sampler, config, logger

    device = idist.device()
    amp_mode = None
    scaler = False
    trainer = create_supervised_trainer(
        output_transform=lambda x, y, y_pred, loss: {"batch loss": loss.item()},
        amp_mode="amp" if config["with_amp"] else None,
    trainer.logger = logger

    to_save = {
        "trainer": trainer,
        "model": model,
        "optimizer": optimizer,
        "lr_scheduler": lr_scheduler,
    metric_names = [
        "batch loss",

        output_names=metric_names if config["log_every_iters"] > 0 else None,

    if config["resume_from"] is not None:
        checkpoint = load_checkpoint(config["resume_from"])
        Checkpoint.load_objects(to_load=to_save, checkpoint=checkpoint)

    return trainer


The evaluator will be created via create_supervised_evaluator() which internally will:

  1. Set the model to eval() mode.
  2. Move the batch to device used in current distributed configuration.
  3. Perform forward pass. If AMP is enabled, autocast will be on.
  4. Store the predictions and labels in state.output to compute metrics.

It will also attach the Ignite metrics passed to the evaluator.

def create_evaluator(model, metrics, config):
    device = idist.device()

    amp_mode = "amp" if config["with_amp"] else None
    evaluator = create_supervised_evaluator(
        model, metrics=metrics, device=device, non_blocking=True, amp_mode=amp_mode
    return evaluator


Before we begin training, we must setup a few things on the master process (rank = 0):

  • Create folder to store checkpoints, best models and output of tensorboard logging in the format - model_backend_rank_time.
  • If ClearML FileServer is used to save models, then a Task has to be created, and we pass our config dictionary and the specific hyper parameters that are part of the experiment.
def setup_rank_zero(logger, config):
    device = idist.device()

    now ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    output_path = config["output_path"]
    folder_name = (
    output_path = Path(output_path) / folder_name
    if not output_path.exists():
    config["output_path"] = output_path.as_posix()"Output path: {config['output_path']}")

    if config["with_clearml"]:
        from clearml import Task

        task = Task.init("CIFAR10-Training", task_name=output_path.stem)
        # Log hyper parameters
        hyper_params = [
        task.connect({k: v for k, v in config.items()})


This step is optional, however, we can pass a setup_logger() object to log_basic_info() and log all basic information such as different versions, current configuration, device and backend used by the current process (identified by its local rank), and number of processes (world size). idist (ignite.distributed) provides several utility functions like get_local_rank(), backend(), get_world_size(), etc. to make this possible.

def log_basic_info(logger, config):"Train on CIFAR10")"- PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}")"- Ignite version: {ignite.__version__}")
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        # explicitly import cudnn as torch.backends.cudnn can not be pickled with hvd spawning procs
        from torch.backends import cudnn
            f"- GPU Device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(idist.get_local_rank())}"
        )"- CUDA version: {torch.version.cuda}")"- CUDNN version: {cudnn.version()}")"\n")"Configuration:")
    for key, value in config.items():"\t{key}: {value}")"\n")

    if idist.get_world_size() > 1:"\nDistributed setting:")"\tbackend: {idist.backend()}")"\tworld size: {idist.get_world_size()}")"\n")

This is a standard utility function to log train and val metrics after validate_every epochs.

def log_metrics(logger, epoch, elapsed, tag, metrics):
    metrics_output = "\n".join([f"\t{k}: {v}" for k, v in metrics.items()])
        f"\nEpoch {epoch} - Evaluation time (seconds): {elapsed:.2f} - {tag} metrics:\n {metrics_output}"

Begin Training

This is where the main logic resides, i.e. we will call all the above functions from within here:

  1. Basic Setup
  2. We set a manual_seed() and setup_logger(), then log all basic information.
  3. Initialise dataloaders, model, optimizer, criterion and lr_scheduler.
  4. We use the above objects to create a trainer.
  5. Evaluator
  6. Define some relevant Ignite metrics like Accuracy() and Loss().
  7. Create two evaluators: train_evaluator and val_evaluator to compute metrics on the train_dataloader and val_dataloader respectively, however val_evaluator will store the best models based on validation metrics.
  8. Define run_validation() to compute metrics on both dataloaders and log them. Then we attach this function to trainer to run after validate_every epochs and after training is complete.
  9. Setup TensorBoard logging using setup_tb_logging() on the master process for the trainer and evaluators so that training and validation metrics along with the learning rate can be logged.
  10. Define a Checkpoint() object to store the two best models (n_saved) by validation accuracy (defined in metrics as Accuracy()) and attach it to val_evaluator so that it can be executed everytime val_evaluator runs.
  11. Try training on train_loader for num_epochs
  12. Close Tensorboard logger once training is completed.
def training(local_rank, config):

    rank = idist.get_rank()
    manual_seed(config["seed"] + rank)

    logger = setup_logger(name="CIFAR10-Training")
    log_basic_info(logger, config)

    if rank == 0:
        setup_rank_zero(logger, config)

    train_loader, val_loader = get_dataflow(config)
    model = get_model(config)
    optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model)
    criterion = get_criterion()
    config["num_iters_per_epoch"] = len(train_loader)
    lr_scheduler = get_lr_scheduler(config, optimizer)

    trainer = create_trainer(
        model, optimizer, criterion, lr_scheduler, train_loader.sampler, config, logger

    metrics = {
        "Accuracy": Accuracy(),
        "Loss": Loss(criterion),

    train_evaluator = create_evaluator(model, metrics, config)
    val_evaluator = create_evaluator(model, metrics, config)

    def run_validation(engine):
        epoch = trainer.state.epoch
        state =
        log_metrics(logger, epoch, state.times["COMPLETED"], "train", state.metrics)
        state =
        log_metrics(logger, epoch, state.times["COMPLETED"], "val", state.metrics)

        Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED(every=config["validate_every"]) | Events.COMPLETED,

    if rank == 0:
        evaluators = {"train": train_evaluator, "val": val_evaluator}
        tb_logger = common.setup_tb_logging(
            config["output_path"], trainer, optimizer, evaluators=evaluators

    best_model_handler = Checkpoint(
        {"model": model},

    try:, max_epochs=config["num_epochs"])
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

    if rank == 0:

Running Distributed Code

We can easily run the above code with the context manager Parallel:

with idist.Parallel(backend=backend, nproc_per_node=nproc_per_node) as parallel:, config)

Parallel enables us to run the same code across all supported distributed backends and non-distributed configurations in a seamless manner. Here backend refers to a distributed communication framework. Read more about which backend to choose here. Parallel accepts a backend and either:

Spawns nproc_per_node child processes and initialize a processing group according to provided backend (useful for standalone scripts).

This way uses torch.multiprocessing.spawn and is the default way to spawn processes. However, this way is slower due to initialization overhead.


Only initialize a processing group given the backend (useful with tools like torch.distributed.launch, horovodrun, etc).

This way is recommended since training is faster and easier to extend to multiple scripts.

We can pass additional information to Parallel collectively as spawn_kwargs as we will see below.

Note: It is recommended to run distributed code as scripts for ease of use, however we can also spawn processes in a Jupyter notebook (see end of tutorial). The complete code as a script can be found here. Choose one of the suggested ways below to run the script.

Single Node, One or More GPUs

We will use fire to convert run() into a CLI, use the arguments parsed inside run() directly and begin training in the script:

import fire

def run(backend=None, **spawn_kwargs):
    config["backend"] = backend
    with idist.Parallel(backend=config["backend"], **spawn_kwargs) as parallel:, config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fire.Fire({"run": run})

Then we can run the script (e.g. for 2 GPUs) as:

python -u -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env run --backend="nccl"

Run with internal spawining (torch.multiprocessing.spawn)

python -u run --backend="nccl" --nproc_per_node=2

Run with horovodrun

Please make sure that backend=horovod. np below is number of processes.

horovodrun -np=2 python -u run --backend="horovod"

Multiple Nodes, Multiple GPUs

The code inside the script is similar to Single Node, One or More GPUs:

import fire

def run(backend=None, **spawn_kwargs):
    config["backend"] = backend
    with idist.Parallel(backend=config["backend"], **spawn_kwargs) as parallel:, config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fire.Fire({"run": run})

The only change is how we run the script. We need to provide the IP address of the master node and its port along with the node rank. For example, for 2 nodes (nnodes) and 2 GPUs (nproc_per_node), we can:

On node 0 (master node):

python -u -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nnodes=2 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --node_rank=0 \
    --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 --use_env \ run --backend="nccl"

On node 1 (worker node):

python -u -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nnodes=2 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --node_rank=1 \
    --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 --use_env \ run --backend="nccl"

Run with internal spawning

On node 0:

python -u run
    --nnodes=2 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --node_rank=0 \
    --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 \

On node 1:

python -u run
    --nnodes=2 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --node_rank=1 \
    --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 \

Run with horovodrun

np below is calculated by nnodes x nproc_per_node.

horovodrun -np 4 -H hostname1:2,hostname2:2 python -u run --backend="horovod"

Single Node, Multiple CPUs

This is similar to Single Node, One or More GPUs. The only difference is while running the script, backend=gloo instead of nccl.

TPUs on Google Colab

Go to Runtime > Change runtime type and select Hardware accelerator = TPU.

nproc_per_node = 8
config["backend"] = "xla-tpu"

with idist.Parallel(backend=config["backend"], nproc_per_node=nproc_per_node) as parallel:, config)
2021-09-14 17:01:35,425 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: Initialized distributed launcher with backend: 'xla-tpu'
2021-09-14 17:01:35,427 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: - Parameters to spawn processes: 
	nproc_per_node: 8
	nnodes: 1
	node_rank: 0
2021-09-14 17:01:35,428 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: Spawn function '<function training at 0x7fda404f4680>' in 8 processes
2021-09-14 17:01:47,607 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Train on CIFAR10
2021-09-14 17:01:47,639 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - PyTorch version: 1.8.2+cpu
2021-09-14 17:01:47,658 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - Ignite version: 0.4.6
2021-09-14 17:01:47,678 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 17:01:47,697 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Configuration:
2021-09-14 17:01:47,721 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	seed: 543
2021-09-14 17:01:47,739 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	data_path: cifar10
2021-09-14 17:01:47,765 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	output_path: output-cifar10/
2021-09-14 17:01:47,786 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	model: resnet18
2021-09-14 17:01:47,810 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	batch_size: 512
2021-09-14 17:01:47,833 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	momentum: 0.9
2021-09-14 17:01:47,854 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	weight_decay: 0.0001
2021-09-14 17:01:47,867 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_workers: 2
2021-09-14 17:01:47,887 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_epochs: 5
2021-09-14 17:01:47,902 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	learning_rate: 0.4
2021-09-14 17:01:47,922 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_warmup_epochs: 1
2021-09-14 17:01:47,940 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	validate_every: 3
2021-09-14 17:01:47,949 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	checkpoint_every: 200
2021-09-14 17:01:47,960 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	backend: xla-tpu
2021-09-14 17:01:47,967 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	resume_from: None
2021-09-14 17:01:47,975 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	log_every_iters: 15
2021-09-14 17:01:47,984 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	nproc_per_node: None
2021-09-14 17:01:48,003 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	with_clearml: False
2021-09-14 17:01:48,019 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	with_amp: False
2021-09-14 17:01:48,040 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 17:01:48,059 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Distributed setting:
2021-09-14 17:01:48,079 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	backend: xla-tpu
2021-09-14 17:01:48,098 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	world size: 8
2021-09-14 17:01:48,109 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 17:01:48,130 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Output path: output-cifar10/resnet18_backend-xla-tpu-8_20210914-170148
2021-09-14 17:01:50,917 INFO: Use data loader kwargs for dataset 'Dataset CIFAR10': 
	{'batch_size': 64, 'num_workers': 2, 'drop_last': True, 'sampler': < object at 0x7fda404d0750>, 'pin_memory': False}
2021-09-14 17:01:50,950 INFO: DataLoader is wrapped by `MpDeviceLoader` on XLA
2021-09-14 17:01:50,975 INFO: Use data loader kwargs for dataset 'Dataset CIFAR10': 
	{'batch_size': 128, 'num_workers': 2, 'sampler': < object at 0x7fda404d0910>, 'pin_memory': False}
2021-09-14 17:01:51,000 INFO: DataLoader is wrapped by `MpDeviceLoader` on XLA
2021-09-14 17:01:53,866 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Engine run starting with max_epochs=5.
2021-09-14 17:02:23,913 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:30
2021-09-14 17:02:41,945 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[2] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
2021-09-14 17:03:13,870 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 3 - Evaluation time (seconds): 14.00 - train metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.32997744845360827
	Loss: 1.7080145767054606
2021-09-14 17:03:19,283 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 3 - Evaluation time (seconds): 5.39 - val metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.3424
	Loss: 1.691359375
2021-09-14 17:03:19,289 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[3] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:37
2021-09-14 17:03:37,535 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[4] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
2021-09-14 17:03:55,927 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[5] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
2021-09-14 17:04:07,598 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 5 - Evaluation time (seconds): 11.66 - train metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.42823775773195877
	Loss: 1.4969784451514174
2021-09-14 17:04:10,190 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 5 - Evaluation time (seconds): 2.56 - val metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.4412
	Loss: 1.47838994140625
2021-09-14 17:04:10,244 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:02:16
2021-09-14 17:04:10,313 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: End of run

Run in Jupyter Notebook

We will have to spawn processes in a notebook and therefore, we will use internal spawning to achieve that. For multiple GPUs, use backend=nccl and backend=gloo for multiple CPUs.

spawn_kwargs = {}
spawn_kwargs["start_method"] = "fork"
spawn_kwargs["nproc_per_node"] = 2
config["backend"] = "nccl"

with idist.Parallel(backend=config["backend"], **spawn_kwargs) as parallel:, config)
2021-09-14 19:15:15,335 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: Initialized distributed launcher with backend: 'nccl'
2021-09-14 19:15:15,337 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: - Parameters to spawn processes: 
	nproc_per_node: 2
	nnodes: 1
	node_rank: 0
	start_method: fork
2021-09-14 19:15:15,338 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: Spawn function '<function training at 0x7f0e44c88dd0>' in 2 processes
2021-09-14 19:15:18,910 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Train on CIFAR10
2021-09-14 19:15:18,911 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - PyTorch version: 1.9.0
2021-09-14 19:15:18,912 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - Ignite version: 0.4.6
2021-09-14 19:15:18,913 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - GPU Device: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
2021-09-14 19:15:18,913 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - CUDA version: 11.1
2021-09-14 19:15:18,914 CIFAR10-Training INFO: - CUDNN version: 8005
2021-09-14 19:15:18,915 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 19:15:18,916 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Configuration:
2021-09-14 19:15:18,917 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	seed: 543
2021-09-14 19:15:18,918 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	data_path: cifar10
2021-09-14 19:15:18,919 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	output_path: output-cifar10/
2021-09-14 19:15:18,920 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	model: resnet18
2021-09-14 19:15:18,921 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	batch_size: 512
2021-09-14 19:15:18,922 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	momentum: 0.9
2021-09-14 19:15:18,923 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	weight_decay: 0.0001
2021-09-14 19:15:18,924 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_workers: 2
2021-09-14 19:15:18,925 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_epochs: 5
2021-09-14 19:15:18,925 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	learning_rate: 0.4
2021-09-14 19:15:18,926 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	num_warmup_epochs: 1
2021-09-14 19:15:18,927 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	validate_every: 3
2021-09-14 19:15:18,928 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	checkpoint_every: 200
2021-09-14 19:15:18,929 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	backend: nccl
2021-09-14 19:15:18,929 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	resume_from: None
2021-09-14 19:15:18,930 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	log_every_iters: 15
2021-09-14 19:15:18,931 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	nproc_per_node: None
2021-09-14 19:15:18,931 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	with_clearml: False
2021-09-14 19:15:18,932 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	with_amp: False
2021-09-14 19:15:18,933 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 19:15:18,933 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Distributed setting:
2021-09-14 19:15:18,934 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	backend: nccl
2021-09-14 19:15:18,935 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 	world size: 2
2021-09-14 19:15:18,935 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 

2021-09-14 19:15:18,936 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Output path: output-cifar10/resnet18_backend-nccl-2_20210914-191518
2021-09-14 19:15:19,725 INFO: Use data loader kwargs for dataset 'Dataset CIFAR10': 
	{'batch_size': 256, 'num_workers': 1, 'drop_last': True, 'sampler': < object at 0x7f0f8b7df8d0>, 'pin_memory': True}
2021-09-14 19:15:19,727 INFO: Use data loader kwargs for dataset 'Dataset CIFAR10': 
	{'batch_size': 512, 'num_workers': 1, 'sampler': < object at 0x7f0e44ca9ad0>, 'pin_memory': True}
2021-09-14 19:15:19,873 INFO: Apply torch DistributedDataParallel on model, device id: 0
2021-09-14 19:15:20,049 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Engine run starting with max_epochs=5.
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: Named tensors and all their associated APIs are an experimental feature and subject to change. Please do not use them for anything important until they are released as stable. (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1623448265233/work/c10/core/TensorImpl.h:1156.)
  return torch.max_pool2d(input, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, ceil_mode)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: Named tensors and all their associated APIs are an experimental feature and subject to change. Please do not use them for anything important until they are released as stable. (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1623448265233/work/c10/core/TensorImpl.h:1156.)
  return torch.max_pool2d(input, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, ceil_mode)
2021-09-14 19:15:28,800 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:09
2021-09-14 19:15:37,474 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[2] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:09
2021-09-14 19:15:54,675 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 3 - Evaluation time (seconds): 8.50 - train metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.5533988402061856
	Loss: 1.2227583423103254
2021-09-14 19:15:56,077 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 3 - Evaluation time (seconds): 1.36 - val metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.5699
	Loss: 1.1869916015625
2021-09-14 19:15:56,079 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[3] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
2021-09-14 19:16:04,686 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[4] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:09
2021-09-14 19:16:13,347 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Epoch[5] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:09
2021-09-14 19:16:21,857 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 5 - Evaluation time (seconds): 8.46 - train metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.6584246134020618
	Loss: 0.9565292830319748
2021-09-14 19:16:23,269 CIFAR10-Training INFO: 
Epoch 5 - Evaluation time (seconds): 1.38 - val metrics:
    Accuracy: 0.6588
	Loss: 0.9517111328125
2021-09-14 19:16:23,271 CIFAR10-Training INFO: Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:01:03
2021-09-14 19:16:23,547 ignite.distributed.launcher.Parallel INFO: End of run
  1. Complete code can be found here.
  2. Example of the logs of a ClearML experiment run on this code: